Hinchinbrook Island Cruises Hinchinbrook Island Cruises
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Book a Thorsborne Trail Camping Permit

To check the availability of a camping permit for Thorsborne Trail hiking, follow these easy steps:

  1. Click here to open the Queensland National Parks Camping Permit page (shown on the right).
  2. LOGIN or CREATE ACCOUNT top right of screen
  3. Go straight to the second row (ignore select a Region) and select “Hinchinbrook Island NP Thorsborne Trail” from the ENTER PARK NAME section. Please note DO NOT CHOOSE “Hinchinbrook Island National Park” which is also on the list.
  4. In the next box, select the date (DD/MM/YYYY) you would like to commence your hike and “Stay Length (nights)“.
  5. Click SEARCH and the following box appears (scroll down).
  6. Click on Reserve. If your dates are available you will proceed to the BOOKING screen from there.
  7. If the message “No reservable units match search criteria” Click on Check Availability and this screen appears which will show available dates for a 14 day period. In the example here the only night available is 15th June for 7 people to camp on the trail.
  8. To check the availability of other dates, re- select the calendar date entering the first date of your preferred dates (DD/MM/YYY).
  9. Once you have found available dates click Book Site.
  10. You will proceed to the BOOKING screen from there.

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Hinchinbrook Island Cruises

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